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Certificate of Authenticity 

3 responses

  1. Good Morning,

    My name is Sofia Carneiro and I work with Dr. Álvaro Moreira in Municipal Museum of Santo Tirso. The Municipal Council is building the new Headquarter of International Sculpture Museum that will be inaugurated at the end of this year. Ir pretends to be a Documentation Center of all the sculptors that worked with us in all Symposiums. For this to be possible we are asking some information (catalogs, flyers, photos, drawings) that can be included in our Center. It is also important that our contacts are up to date. So, we also ask, if it is possible, if you can send us address, phone, email and a photo with high quality (this photo will be used in the general catalog of MIEC).

    Hopefully have a positive response on your part.

    Best Regards,
    Sofia Carneiro

  2. Hola buenos días, soy un habitante de Lomas de PLateros, estoy muy interesado en saber el nombre de la obra de Jorge Dubón que se ubica dentro del fraccionamiento Torres de Mixcoac, es para una publicación cultural sin fines de lucro por parte de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. También me gustaría saber si tienen ustedes algún dato acerca de la escultura gris que se encuentra dentro de la sección F de la Unidad PLateros. ¡Muchas gracias!

  3. Hi, I know where the sculpture called “Tower of Plateros” is… Actually, I’d like to know what the real name of the sculptures is, because people there say the name is “Serpiente”.